

This is a UI tool that will pack a list of images (png or bmp) or sprites (Aseprite format) into a single or series of larger image(s).

It exports an extended crch (crunch) format that was originally designed for Celeste.

Some of the extensions added to the crch format include per-frame animation data from an Aseprite file.



  • Export XML, JSON, binary, or Unity .meta data
  • Trim excess transparency
  • Control atlas size and padding
  • Premultiply pixel values
  • Add multiple folders
  • Multi-image atlas when the sprites don't fit
  • Support for indexed pngs'
  • Support for using palette file for indexed format (act, JASC, MS pal, GIMP, and png)
  • Support for Aseprite format

Palette Format

For indexed png's the supported palette formats supported are act, jasc, mspal, gimp, and png.

Binary Format

crch (0x68637263 in hex or 1751347811 in decimal (little endian))
[int16] version (current version is 0)
[byte] --trim enabled
[byte] --rotate enabled
[byte] string type (0: null-termainated, 1: prefixed (int16), 2: 7-bit prefixed, 3: fixed 16 bytes)
[int16] num_textures (below block is repeated this many times)
    [string] name
    [int16] tex_width
    [int16] tex_height
    [int16] tex_format
    [int16] num_images (below block is repeated this many times)
        [int16] img_frame_index
        [string] img_name
        [string] img_label
        [byte] img_loop_direction
        [int16] img_duration
        [int16] img_x
        [int16] img_y
        [int16] img_width
        [int16] img_height
        [int16] img_frame_x         (if --trim enabled)
        [int16] img_frame_y         (if --trim enabled)
        [int16] img_frame_width     (if --trim enabled)
        [int16] img_frame_height    (if --trim enabled)
        [byte] img_rotated          (if --rotate enabled)
        [byte] img_palette_slot



Source Code on GitHub