Today we released the Retro Studio private alpha!
Category: Retro Watch
Retro Studio
Introducing Retro Studio our web IDE running an emulator of the Retro Watch.
Retro Studio will allow users to develop and test their own watch faces, games and applications before publishing them to the Retro Watch.
The back-end is written using Blazor Wasm and WebGL.
Stay tuned for more progress reports on this application!
Retro Watch Update
I've been experimenting with the D/AVE 2D GPU on the DA14706 SoC for rendering a watch face.
Running tests on the DA14706 DevKit which has the Renesas ARM Cortex-M33F SoC we're using in the RetroWatch. Take a look at femto8 which is a PICO-8 fantasy console emulator as well as a port of DOOM both playable using a Bluetooth LE connected controller. So far performance is impressive and we're excited about bringing more games and emulators to the platform!