SFX Demo

SFX Demo

Sound effects demo for the ZX Spectrum Next.

You can create an AY FX Bank (afb) file using the AY Sound FX Editor

How to Build

If you want to build the zxnext_sfx program yourself, follow the steps below:

  1. Install the latest version of z88dk and
    a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator CSpect or

  2. Download the zxnext_sfx repository either as a ZIP archive using the
    "Clone or download" button at the top of this page or with Git using the
    following command:

git clone https://github.com/benbaker76/zxnext_sfx.git

  1. Go to the zxnext_sfx directory and enter the following command:


  1. Run the zxnext_sfx/bin/zxnext_sfx.nex file in your
    Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator.



  • Michael Ware for innumerable help with the Next hardware and z80 asm
  • Sefan Bylund for his z88dk examples on which these are based
  • Shiru for original ayfx player assembly code


This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


GitHub Link