What do you guys think of the default themes?
Category: Arcade
GameEx Evo Screenshots
Here are some screenshots of the new GameEx Evolution default theme.
GameEx Evo Map Files
GameEx Evolution still supports Map Files. What do you guys think? Are they still useful?
GameEx Evo Fonts
Just letting you all know that custom font support is going to be in the Evo release but you probably won't be able to do much until I release the Bitmap Font Editor so you can create them visually.
Anyway I'm really excited about seeing what cool fonts people create for Evo.
GameEx Evo MAME Game List
You will be able to edit your MAME game list based on many criterial such as controls, genre and category.
GameEx Evo Import Steam Apps
This is a beta feature but importation of your Steam games is there. Let us know what you think.
GameEx Evo MAME SL (Software Lists)
We have spent a lot of time on this feature. MAME SL (Software Lists) are easy to generate in GameEx Evolution.
MAME Lua Plugins
MAMEDev recently applied a patch of mine (thanks to Miodrag) to MAME 0180. It exposes render_target::view_name() so my showcp plugin can check the name of the view before toggling.
Here is the new script:
-- license:BSD-3-Clause
-- copyright-holders:Ben Baker
local exports = {}
exports.name = "showcp"
exports.version = "0.0.2"
exports.description = "ShowCP plugin"
exports.license = "The BSD 3-Clause License"
exports.author = { name = "Ben Baker" }
local showcp = exports
function showcp.startplugin()
local target = manager:machine():render():targets()[0]
if target:view_name(1) == "Show CP" then
target.view = 1
local target = manager:machine():render():targets()[0]
if target:view_name(1) == "Show CP" then
target.view = 0
return exports
You can see based on this 1942.lay file how the view name is referred in the xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mamelayout version="2">
<element name="CP">
<image file="CP.png" />
<element name="Bezel">
<image file="Bezel.png" />
<view name="Hide CP">
<screen index="0">
<bounds left="140" top="0" right="500" bottom="480" />
<bezel element="Bezel">
<bounds left="0" top="0" right="640" bottom="480" />
<view name="Show CP">
<screen index="0">
<bounds left="140" top="0" right="500" bottom="480" />
<bezel element="Bezel">
<bounds left="0" top="0" right="640" bottom="480" />
<bezel element="CP">
<bounds left="0" top="0" right="640" bottom="480" />
Layout Editor
The Layout Editor is an advanced tween and easing based animation and layout editor for GameEx Evolution.
MAME Compiler 64 v2.0
MAME Compiler 64 v2.0 Released
- UI Update, new options added, auto-download source and patches