A Windows tray application that supports both the Ultimarc ServoStik and UltraStik 360
Running JoyTray from command line:
JoyTray.exe -servo [joy4way|joy8way]
If using Ultrastik 360:
JoyTray.exe -u360 [mouse|analog|joy8way|easyjoy8way|joy4way|djoy4way|rdjoy4way|joy2way|vjoy2way]
If you add an -exit
argument the program will exit without staying resident.
Until front-end developers add native support for the ServoStik, this is the way to automate switching. The front-end needs to be configured to run a command line before starting games eg:
JoyTray.exe -servo joy8way
before all 8-way gamesJoyTray.exe -servo joy4way
before all 4-way games
JoyTray Hotkeys:
When resident: F4 switches to 4-way and F8 switches to 8-way. You could assign I-PAC-connected controls to these keycodes. Maybe use I-PAC shifted codes.
JoyTray GUI Mode:
Launch JoyTray.exe by itself and it will show an icon in the tray which can be right-clicked to show a menu. It will gray out the U360 or ServoStik menu items based on whether you have them attached. There is an option to run the program at startup.