FlaskGPT is a minimal ChatGPT clone that uses Python, Flask, langchain and Chroma with realtime token output using SSE.
Category: Python
DevOps LinkedIn Jobs Keywords
I looked at 954 DevOps jobs on LinkedIn and these are the top keywords mentioned in the description.
AgilePhysio Capture Session
An AgilePhysio capture session loaded and displayed as a graph using Python
Capture Session showing all sensor outputs
Capture session showing IMU1 angle
Capture session showing IMU1 accelerometer magnitude
Capture session showing IMU1 gyroscope magnitude
3D graph showing IMU1 accelerometer
3D graph showing IMU1 gyroscope
List Forks on Github
Here's a Python script using the Github API. I wanted to include the date and last commit message. You'll need to include a Personal Access Token (PAT) if you need a bump to 5k requests/hr.
USAGE: python3 list-forks.py https://github.com/itinance/react-native-fs
Example Output:
https://github.com/itinance/react-native-fs root 2021-11-04 "Merge pull request #1016 from mjgallag/make-react-native-windows-peer-dependency-optional make react-native-windows peer dependency optional"
https://github.com/AnimoApps/react-native-fs diverged +2 -160 [+1m 10d] "Improved comments to align with new PNG support in copyAssetsFileIOS"
https://github.com/twinedo/react-native-fs ahead +1 [+26d] "clear warn yellow new NativeEventEmitter()"
https://github.com/synonymdev/react-native-fs ahead +2 [+23d] "Merge pull request #1 from synonymdev/event-emitter-fix Event Emitter Fix"
https://github.com/kongyes/react-native-fs ahead +2 [+10d] "aa"
https://github.com/kamiky/react-native-fs diverged +1 -2 [-6d] "add copyCurrentAssetsVideoIOS function to retrieve current modified videos"
https://github.com/nikola166/react-native-fs diverged +1 -2 [-7d] "version"
https://github.com/morph3ux/react-native-fs diverged +1 -4 [-30d] "Update package.json"
https://github.com/broganm/react-native-fs diverged +2 -4 [-1m 7d] "Update RNFSManager.m"
https://github.com/k1mmm/react-native-fs diverged +1 -4 [-1m 14d] "Invalidate upload session Prevent memory leaks"
https://github.com/TickKleiner/react-native-fs diverged +1 -4 [-1m 24d] "addListener and removeListeners methods wass added to pass warning"
https://github.com/nerdyfactory/react-native-fs diverged +1 -8 [-2m 14d] "fix: applying change from https://github.com/itinance/react-native-fs/pull/944"
import requests, re, os, sys, time, json, datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from urllib.parse import urlparse
GITHUB_PAT = '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'
def json_from_url(url):
response = requests.get(url, headers={ 'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(GITHUB_PAT) })
return response.json()
def date_delta_to_text(date1, date2):
ret = []
date_delta = relativedelta(date2, date1)
sign = '+' if date1 < date2 else '-'
if date_delta.years != 0:
if date_delta.months != 0:
if date_delta.days != 0:
return '{}{}'.format(sign, ' '.join(ret))
def iso8601_date_to_date(date):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
def date_to_text(date):
return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
def process_repo(repo_author, repo_name, fork_of_fork):
page = 1
while 1:
forks_url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/{}/{}/forks?per_page=100&page={}'.format(repo_author, repo_name, page)
forks_json = json_from_url(forks_url)
if not forks_json:
for fork_info in forks_json:
fork_author = fork_info['owner']['login']
fork_name = fork_info['name']
forks_count = fork_info['forks_count']
fork_url = 'https://github.com/{}/{}'.format(fork_author, fork_name)
compare_url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/{}/{}/compare/master...{}:master'.format(repo_author, fork_name, fork_author)
compare_json = json_from_url(compare_url)
if 'status' in compare_json:
items = []
status = compare_json['status']
ahead_by = compare_json['ahead_by']
behind_by = compare_json['behind_by']
total_commits = compare_json['total_commits']
commits = compare_json['commits']
if fork_of_fork:
items.append(' ')
if ahead_by != 0:
if behind_by != 0:
if total_commits > 0:
last_commit = commits[total_commits-1];
commit = last_commit['commit']
author = commit['author']
date = iso8601_date_to_date(author['date'])
items.append('[{}]'.format(date_delta_to_text(root_date, date)))
items.append('"{}"'.format(commit['message'].replace('\n', ' ')))
if ahead_by > 0:
print(' '.join(items))
if forks_count > 0:
process_repo(fork_author, fork_name, True)
page += 1
url_parsed = urlparse(sys.argv[1].strip())
path_array = url_parsed.path.split('/')
root_author = path_array[1]
root_name = path_array[2]
root_url = 'https://github.com/{}/{}'.format(root_author, root_name)
commits_url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/{}/{}/commits/master'.format(root_author, root_name)
commits_json = json_from_url(commits_url)
commit = commits_json['commit']
author = commit['author']
root_date = iso8601_date_to_date(author['date'])
print('{} root {} "{}"'.format(root_url, date_to_text(root_date), commit['message'].replace('\n', ' ')));
process_repo(root_author, root_name, False)